Readers Reax

Old guard Biden necessary for Obama to deal with Washington politics

Newspaper Section

Throughout his run for the presidency Barack Obama has preached for change, change for the way things go on in Washington. Yet, despite his disdain for the deal-making tactics that exist, he has chosen as his running mate, Joe Biden, a senator with 35 years of experience and involvement in so-called Washington politics.

I assume Obama realizes that it is necessary to continue working with the vestiges of the "old guard" if he lacks experience in foreign policy and in overall government administration.

Close overseas military bases and send National Guard and reservists home

Newspaper Section

With the develoment of the rapid deployment of forces concept, overseas bases are no longer essential, particularly in European countries. The closing of some bases would release troops who could then be assigned for duty in Iraq there by relieving national reservist.

There is no realistic purpose for our military to maintain the large number of overseas bases. It is about time other the other democratic nations accept responsability for their own security.