Former President Barack Obama warns of 'dangerous' US political climate ahead of midterms

YouTube embedding / France 24 English video / • Nov. 6, 2022 / Former President Barack Obama warned about divisions fueling a "dangerous climate" in U.S. politics as he stumped for Democratic candidates on Saturday three days ahead of midterm elections that will determine control of Congress.

Obama speaking at rally in Pittsburgh / Headline Surfer"This habit we have of demonizing political opponents, of saying crazy stuff, it creates a dangerous climate,” former President Barack Obama (shown here in a screenshot from the video) said at a Democratic rally in Pittsburgh, without mentioning specific GOP candidates by name. “You’ve got politicians who work not to bring people together but to stir up division and to make us angry and afraid of one another just for their own advantage.”

-- Henry FrederickHeadline Surfer  - based in Lake Mary, FL, and covering the I-4 tourism corridor - Daytona Beach to Orlando