NATO official: 'Likelihood of use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine remains low'

YouTube embedding / FRANCE 24 English video / • Dec 12, 2022 / NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned that any use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine would have "severe, dramatic consequences for Russia."

NATO Ukraine, Russai Nukes low / Headline SurferCalling Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear rhetoric "reckless and dangerous," the NATO chief said he believes "the likelihood of any use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine by Russia remains low." Meanwhile, Jens Stoltenberg (shown here in a screenshot from the video above) called the Russian strategy of targeting Ukraine's energy infrastructure "a brutal form of warfare" and "a way to weaponise winter", but said he was confident that the Ukrainians would continue to resist.

-- Henry FrederickHeadline Surfer  - based in Lake Mary, FL, and covering the I-4 tourism corridor - Daytona Beach to Orlando