Palin's bimbo power guaranteed to cancel out women's rights

Sarah Palin is the oiliest kind of care-taker of the environment, the antithesis of everything Hillary Clinton and her supporters stand for, and a total fraud in claiming any title to feminism or credentials for national office.

Having run for Governor of Alaska on a reform ticket, she is currently being investigated for the hiring and firing of state officials.

It is to be regretted that the polar bear has no vote in the matter of its continued existence, but that shouldn’t get in the way of intelligent human protection with a no vote against its extinction. Courtesy of Sarah, Inc., the Alaskan wilderness would follow the polar bear’s extinction, turning from snow white to Exxon black as it melts around her.   

Despite all evidence, she doesn’t believe humans have anything to do with climate change and wants to expand drilling for fossil fuels.       

No choice at all is what this former beauty queen personifies. In the tradition of John McCain’s pageant-winning wives, she will be used when convenient, discarded afterward. 

The poster child for the decorative, empty-headed woman religiously subservient to God’s plan to turn her back into a baby factory, Palin personifies the chauvinist’s ideal:  Woman’s second place to men in the marital vice-presidency. 

This unknown, uninformed, totally inexperienced walking lie, posing as a feminist, would inflict her Bush-style incompetence on a nation already watering down all our constitutional guarantees:  freedom of religion, of choice, of equality for all.

Sarah Palin is an anti-choice, anti-birth-control, right-wing extremist whose answer to the energy crisis is as oily as her ethics. She would increase the already starving and overpopulated world faster than McCain and his minions could destroy its battle-weary troops. 

She would force victims of rape and incest to give birth to yet more dependents.  Anti-science and anti-intellectual, she would have the Creationism myth, masked as science, taught in the public schools. Despite all the evidence melting around her, she doesn’t believe humans have anything to do with climate change.

The more rigidly “religious” a candidate’s claim to qualification for office, the less moral his or her value system proves itself to be.  It inflicts its own self-aggrandizing concept of “holiness” on a nation with all the fervor of the Spanish Inquisition.  It ignores the poverty and suffering it creates as it religiously rapes American citizens of their livelihood, land, freedom of religion and life itself, wasted on interminable war.