Russian unilateral ceasefire comes into play but fighting in Ukraine continues

YouTube embedding / FRANCE 24 English video / • Jan. 6, 2023 / A unilateral Russian ceasefire ordered by President Vladimir Putin and dismissed by Ukraine as a cynical ploy by Moscow to gain time to regroup its forces came into force along the entire front, Russian state television said. However, there have been reports of continued fighting with Ukraine accusing Russia of rocket attacks and shelling of cities and military positions. #Ukraine #ceasefire #Russia

Ceasefire in Ukraine not holding / Headline SurferRussia's Vladimir Putin has declared a ceasefire in Ukraine for Orthodox Christmas, but fighting continues with Ukraine, which didn't agree to it. (Screenshot from video above).

Henry FrederickHeadline Surfer  - based in Lake Mary, FL, and covering the I-4 tourism corridor - Daytona Beach to Orlando