SoNapa owners do first video on YouTube to promote the NSB fine-wine restaurant

Courtesy video/SoNapa. SoNapa Wine Co. owners Adam Barringer and Mike Kosmas make their first podcast for their fine-wine restaurant, SoNapa, 761 Third Ave.

NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Who needs a marketing firm when you can make your own video podcast and broadcast it on YouTube. Better yet, why not promote it on

That's exactly what Adam Barringer and Mike Kosmas did Sunday for their restaurant, SoNapa Wine Co. They've dubbed it their first live podcast.

The two, dressed casually with designer T-shirts and ball caps are hillarious while at the same time making strong points about their wine tastes and what their restaurant offers.

Heck, when Adam Barringer isn't the mayor or saving a motorist from drowning in a river crash, or attending a Sarah Palin speech at the Ocean Center, he and his good friend and business partner, Kosmas, are working hard on their private interests.

And why not?

After all, the mayor kept his 100-day campaign promise in delivering an economic development plan for the city.

The video is a little long, at 7 minutes-plus, but Barringer promises the next one will be shorter. He's known for keeping his word.