BREAKING NEWS: It's official - recount confirms Derrick Henry outright winner in 2020 primary for third four-year term as Daytona Beach mayor

Daytona Beach recount / Headline SurferHeadline Surfer photo illustration / 

By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer

DELAND, Fla. -- After manual machine and hand recoiunts of the votes by the canvassing board, Derrick Henry has officially been declared the outright winner of a three-way primary for his third four-year term as mayor of Daytona Beach.

The final results show Henry with 6,102 votes or 50.11 percent of the total votes, to  3,796 votes or 31.17 percent and Sherrise Boyd with 2,279 votes or 18.72 percent of the votes.

Strickland was an also-ran for the second time in four years while Boyd was a newcomer. Strickland, a member of the Sons of the Beach, grouseed at how Henry has the influential-insider donors backing his campaign for the second time. But his campaign was short on solutions or alternatives. 

In order to avoid a run-ff between the the top two vote getters in the primary, Henry needed 50 percent of the overall votes plus one more vote. An automatic rewcount was called two days after Tuesday's primary because he difference of the total ofBoyd and Strickland’s percentages, and Henry’s percentage of votes was less than one quarter of a percent, Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Lisa Lewis said. 

Henry's third term as mayor begins Nov. 11. 

Henry was stoic in addressing the recount results, saying in part on his Facebook page, "I am happy to inform you that the process has been completed and I will have the honor and obligation of serving as your mayor for 4 more years after receiving more than 50% of the total vote. Despite who your candidate of choice in this election was, I commit to continuing to be a voice for our entire city and serving everyone. As always, I will be accessible at and (386) 671-8007." 

Previous-includer Stories: 

Recount order Daytona mayor's race / Headline SurferBREAKING NEWS: Recount ordered in 3-way primary race for Daytona Beach mayor because incumbent Derrick Henry's margin of victory less than .25% over threshold for outright win

Story Posted: Fri, 08/21/2020 - 13:14

About The Byline Writer:
Henry Frederick bio / Headline Surfer Henry Frederick is publisher of Headline Surfer, the award-winning 24/7 internet news outlet launched 12 years ago that serves greater Daytona Beach, Sanford & Orlando, Florida via Frederick has amassed more than a hundred journalism industry awards in print & online -- more than all other members of the working press combined in Central Florida since the mid-1990s. He earned his Master of Arts in New Media Journalism with academic honors from Full Sail University in 2019. Having witnessed the execution of serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Florida's death chamber and other high profile cases, Frederick has appeared on national crime documentary programs on Discovery ID and Reelz for his investigative reporting and cops & courts breaking news stories.