BREAKING NEWS: Structure fire at Strawn Property in DeLeon Springs work of arsonist

DELEON SPRINGS -- A fire at 1 this morning at the Strawn Property was the work of an arsonist, Volusia Counbty spojkeswomn Vicki Pleus said tonight.

Volusia County Fire Services responded to 911 calls for the blaze fire at 5175 N. Hwy 17.

Crews arrived to find the single-story, wooden structure fully engulfed in flames. Volusia County Fire Services Battalion Commander John Moak reported 16 crew members launched a defensive attack from the outside upon arrival. On scene were three engines, one squad, two battalions, and three tankers from Volusia County Fire Services.

The structure was a machine shop on the historic Strawn Property. It contained machinery, timber and fuel. The structure and its contents were destroyed. No injuries were reported with the fire. The historic citrus packing house on the Strawn Property was not affected.

State Fire Marshal’s Office Investigator Murray McDonald told county officials the fire was set intentionally, Pleus said.

According to Volusia County’s Volusia Forever web site,, the Strawn Property is a historic property in Volusia County. Portions of the property are used for citrus production and raising cattle. The Strawn Property contains 1,200 acres and is immediately south of and adjacent to the Heart Island Conservation Area, a 12,000-plus acre site owned by the St. Johns River Water Management District